Odisha Joint Entrance Examination 2018

ଓଡିଶା ଯୁଗ୍ମ ପ୍ରବେଶିକା ପରୀକ୍ଷା, ୨୦୧୮
11-Feb-2025 06:35:47pm
Candidates Admitted in Second Round SPOT Counselling of BAMS/BHMS held on 15th Nov, 2018 :: Updated Seat Matrix for Second Round Spot Counselling (BAMS/BHMS 2018) to be held on 15th November, 2018 :: Detailed Schedule for Second Round Spot Counselling for BAMS, BHMS on 15.11.2018 OJEE - 2018 :: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA, GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURE FOR BHMS and BAMS COUNSELLING - 2018 :: Notice for BHMS/BAMS Admission 2018 :: CONSOLIDATED ADMISSION FOR MBBS/BDS AFTER SPOT COUNSELLING OJEE-2018 :: SEATS AVAILABILITY STATUS AFTER 21-Aug-2018 MBBS, BDS SPOT COUNSELLING OJEE - 2018 :: SPOT ROUND ALLOTMENT AT THE END OF 21 - Aug - 2018 FOR MBBS, BDS OJEE - 2018 :: SPOT ROUND ALLOTMENT ON 20-Aug-2018 FOR MBBS, BDS OJEE - 2018 :: SEATS AVAILABILITY STATUS AFTER 20-Aug-2018 MBBS, BDS SPOT COUNSELLING OJEE - 2018 :: GUIDELINES FOR SPOT COUNSELING OF MBBS/BDS :: Schedule of Spot Round Counselling for admission of MBBS/BDS :: Seat Matrix Available for OJEE-2018 Spot Round Counselling for MBBS/BDS :: Notice regarding MBBS/BDS Counselling :: New version of OJEE App released with Centre Information for 2ND OJEE-2018 Candidates and Supervisor Login. Please install/update the app :: New version 2.3.1 of the OJEE2018 App now supports ଓଡ଼ିଆ news :: New Version of OJEE App released. App versions lower than 2.3.1 are deprecated due to enhanced security. Users are requested to upgrade to the latest version. :: MBA, MCA and LE MCA registration has been started :: OJEE 2018 Counselling schedule for document verification for MBBS/BDS :: OJEE, 2018 Schedule of Medical Board for Physically Challenged (PC) Candidates for MBBS/BDS counselling 2018. (NEET-2018 rank holders) :: OJEE 2018 - Schedule of Counselling and Admission to MBBS/ BDS Courses for 2018-19 :: OJEE 2018 - College Wise Seat Matrix for Counselling and Admission to MBBS/ BDS :: OJEE 2018 - Guidelines For Counselling and Admission to MBBS/ BDS Courses :: Schedule of Medical Board for Physically Challenged (PC) Candidates of OJEE/JEE (main) :: Document verification and Odia Test for the OL category candidates for admission into (B. Tech/B. Plan) Courses :: Notice For 2nd/ Special OJEE For B. Tech, LE Entry to B. Tech, MBA and MCA :: OJEE-2018 STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE FOR WEB BASED COUNSELLING - IN ODIA :: OJEE 2018 STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE FOR WEB BASED COUNSELLING :: OJEE 2018 Tentative Schedule for B.Tech/B.Plan Counselling for JEE MAIN Rank Holders :: Notice For Candidates Eligible For Ex-Serviceman Quota :: Notice For NEET 2018 Qualified State Candidates ::

Welcome to Odisha Joint Entrance Examination, 2018

Consequent upon the provisions of the Odisha Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act,2007, the Odisha Joint Entrance Examination committee is formed on recommendation of Policy Planning Body with due approval by the Government ( Skill Development and Technical Education Department) following the resolution no: I-TTE-45/2013-3842/ETET dated 04.07.2013 for the purpose of holding Common Entrance Examinations for admission to the Undergraduate/Postgraduate Level Professional Courses in the State of Odisha. The endeavour of the OJEE committee has always been directed towards conducting of Entrance Examinations and provide a fair, transparent and single window admission process for various professional Undergraduate and Postgraduate level courses in the State adopting effective state-of-the-art technology. For the 2018-2019 academic session, the Committee will conduct the Joint Entrance Examination for admission to Undergraduate Courses in (Lateral Entry) Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy, Postgraduate course like MBA, MCA, (Lateral Entry) MCA, M TECH, M PLAN, M ARCH, M PHARM and Int. MBA in Universities, Govt. Colleges and Self-financed Institutes in the State. The Committee is also responsible to conduct the Counselling cum Admission process for Medicine, Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic and Architecture in Universities, Govt. Colleges and Self-Financed Institutes in the State in a transparent manner.